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About the Mission Base

Large & Safe Mission Base


Go Missions to Mexico's Mission Base is located about 4 hours South of San Diego, CA. The facilities are designed to accommodate short-term mission teams and can accommodate 230 people in bunk beds and over 500 people if camping is desired. The base is fenced, gated and very secure.


The mission base is located on 13 acres and has 4 separate facility tracts, each with their own kitchens, dining halls, meeting rooms, showers (with hot water), bathrooms (with flushing toilets), dorm rooms (with cushions on the beds), and parking areas.


Each short-term mission team will have its own lodging tract for its use while on the base. Teams don't share facilities or go to the same church. Each team is its own separate team, with its own lodging facilities, and going to its own specially chosen church.


Because the base has 4 separate facility tracts, we can host more than one mission team at a time which increases ministry impact.


The mission base is clean, fenced in, and safe. It is located in a serene setting with a distant view of close-by beaches. It provides the perfect place to retreat to after a full and rich day of ministry. Beaches are about a mile away. More about beaches


Each lodging tract is a little different in size in order to better accommodate different sized mission teams.


Here's a breakdown of how many dorms, showers, and bathrooms your team will have for its use on the mission base depending on your team's size:


Facility Track 1 (for teams of 40-100)

Has 14 dorms, 12 showers, and 6 flushing toilets.


Note: For teams larger than 100, we combine two or more facility tracts together for your convenience.


Facility Track 2  (For teams of 30-60)

Has 8 dorms, 10 showers, and 6 flushing toilets.


Facility Track 3  (For teams of 20-40)

Has 6 dorms, 7 showers, and 5 flushing toilets.


Facility Track 4  (For teams of 10-30)

Has 4 dorms, 6 showers, and 4 flushing toilets.


For all facility tracts, we allow mission team leaders to be in charge of assigning dorms to their mission team members.


Personal Items Needed on the Mission Base

Mission team members will need to bring their own sleeping bags, pillows, towels and personal items.


Mission Base Amenities

While on the base you will have electricity (normal voltage as in the states), hot showers, flushing toilets, meeting areas, kitchen, dorms, and play areas. You can feel secure that your group will be in a safe, fenced in area with no threats of any kind. Also, we as missionaries live on the base and will be here at all times to host and accommodate you with any needs and concerns you might have.


Kitchen & Dining Facilities

The mission base has four large kitchens and dining rooms. Each kitchen is furnished with pots & pans for cooking, utensils, has two refrigerators, two stoves, coffee pots and other misc. items. We recommend that groups bring paper products for eating as this saves time and effort. We provide 5-gallon water jugs for ease of getting purified water.


Shower & Bathroom Facilities

The mission base has a total of 30 showers and 18 toilets. Each facility tract has its own bathrooms and showers. Showers are individual and private. You will need to bring your own towels, soap, and person items for showering.


Sleeping Accommodations

The mission base has dorm rooms that can sleep 6 - 8 (most sleep 8) people per room. The beds are bunk-bed style and have cushions. You will need to bring your own sleeping bags and pillows. Click for more on sleeping accommodation details


Close-by Beaches

We have beautiful, sandy beaches that are about a mile away from the base. Plan to enjoy this rich treasure during your free time. Click for more on our beaches


Recreation Areas

The mission base has 2 volleyball courts, basketball court, campfire areas, Bar-B-Q’s, large fields for games, and quiet areas!


Wireless Internet

For your convenience, the mission base has Wireless Internet throughout all the facilities.


Drinking Water

We provide 5-gallon jugs for your team to use that will be filled up at your arrival. Thereafter, drinking water can be bought at any local store for about $.80 cents for 5 gallons. The Valley of San Quintin is sunny year-round and it's important for team members to keep hydrated. Every team member should have a personal water bottle with them at all times for drinking water and should use them when brushing their teeth etc.



There is electricity available in all kitchens, dorms, bathrooms, shower areas, meeting areas and outside as well. Electricity is the same as in the U.S. No need for converters or special devices!



The mission base is fenced and gated. It has plenty of room for parking vehicles no matter what the size. There is always someone on the mission base to watch and care for everything, and the gate is locked at night. One of the unique positives of our area is that it's not a border town and we’re located in a rural, farming area with no threats of any kind.


Laundry Facilities

For those wondering about laundry facilities, the mission base offers Mexican-style washing machines (washing by hand in sinks, and hanging clothes on our clotheslines), however, there is a laundry mat about 5 miles away where clothes can be washed if needed. Most mission team members just do whatever washing they need to in sinks realizing that they’re on a mission trip where life is a little rustic.


Click here for more on our location  


Click for safety in Mexico questions

Go Missions to Mexico 

Ministry Offering Christ-Centered Mission Trips to Mexico


Go Missions to Mexico

196 Hambrick Ave., Sutherlin, OR   97479



541 603 4770 (U.S.A.)  


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© 2024 by Go Missions to Mexico Ministries

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