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Important Message to Mission Trip Leaders

Dear Mission Trip Leader,


You are an answer to prayer and the key to the success of what God desires to do through your group in Mexico.  We are deeply grateful for your willingness to serve God in this special way. Be prepared to be deeply challenged and blessed. God has raised you up as the leader of your group and therefore, you play the most important role! Remember to have a Christ-like attitude and be a good example for all to follow. Be excited about the trip and let your enthusiasm overflow to others. God has positioned you in a place to be greatly used by Him. It could very well be possible that what you do over the next months could be the most important work you'll do this year. God, for some reason, has chosen to greatly touch Americans while they're in Mexico, and also the lives of the Mexicans through your ministry as Americans. It's a win, win, situation. Your group will be able to hear and see things that they're unable to hear and see in the states. Be prepared to see God greatly work in your group's lives. Enjoy it, pray for it, and do your part in allowing God to get as many down to Mexico as possible.  


In order to be a successful group coordinator, it is imperative that you acquaint yourself with each section of the coordinator's manual. You can make a hard copy of the sections most important, or just read it on your computer. But whether you're a veteran with us or a newcomer, please read each section carefully.


There are some very important Promotion Tools we have on our website that will play a vital key in promotion your trip be happy to send you a DVD version if the ones on the Internet aren't able to be downloaded well enough to work for you. Here are some promotion tools:


Promo Videos

Promotional Brochures 

Promotional Flyers 

Mission Trip Promotion & Planner Guide

Important Message to Mission Team Leaders

How to Plan & Promote Your Mission Trip

Go Missions to Mexico 

Ministry Offering Christ-Centered Mission Trips to Mexico


Go Missions to Mexico

196 Hambrick Ave., Sutherlin, OR   97479



541 603 4770 (U.S.A.)  


Newsletter Sign-up

© 2024 by Go Missions to Mexico Ministries

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