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Culture & Ministry Orientation Videos

Culture & Ministry Orientation Videos


In an effort to best utilize short-term mission teams, and in order for them to get the most out of their mission trip experience, we provide culture and ministry orientation for short-term mission teams serving with Go Missions to Mexico.


Session 1: Cultural Orientation

This video lays the foundation for understanding the culture of Mexico. Each mission trip participant will be more effective and get the most out of their trip by listening carefully to this video. 


Session 2: Ministry Orientation

This video deals with the orientation of all the ministries short-term mission teams do with Go Missions to Mexico. 


The other two videos are short clips that are very helpful as well.


You are welcome to show these videos to your mission team if you’d like. They are very informative and will help your mission team get a tremendous head start on understanding the culture and preparing for the ministries & activities you’ll be doing with Go Missions to Mexico.

Go Missions to Mexico 

Ministry Offering Christ-Centered Mission Trips to Mexico

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